Information for Parents & Guardians
Tuition & Fees
Before & After School Care
Program Calendar
Centralized Transportation
Tuition & Fees

Full-Time & PART TIME Program OFFERING
195 Regular School Days in our Program Calendar - no PD days​
Full Time Program Monday to Friday 9AM-3:30PM $12,675 (annually)
Part Time 3-Day - Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays 9AM-3:30PM $7,475 (annually)
Part Time 2-Day - Tuesdays/Thursdays 9AM-3:30PM $5,200 (annually)
Flexible payment terms and method options available


Farm School Calendar

Important Dates:
September 3 - Opening Day/First Day of School
December 23 - January 3 - School closed for Christmas Holiday break
March 10-14 - March Break (camp only, no regularly scheduled classes)
June 30 - Last Day of School year
July 2 - August 29 - Summer Break (camp only, no regularly scheduled classes)
September 2 - First Day of School
December 22 - January 2 - School closed for Christmas Holiday break

Before & After School Care Program

Solutions for working families
Kawartha Farm school recognizes that many families need greater flexibility and support from their children's private education provider in order to be able to balance their own work schedules and commute with prioritizing their child's education and care.
Our philosophy is to create solutions and remove barriers to access in an effort to further enhance the value Farm School play in the lives of our Student's families.
We will offer extended operating hours including early drop off and late pick up options for those families who need this flexibility.
6:30AM-9AM (before school)
& 3:30PM-6PM (after school)
Cost is $10 for the first hour and $5 per hour after the first
There is no tax on this service. Price is per student.
Please note our before/after school program is only open to students of our school

Payment, Invoicing and Refund Policy
If you are paying monthly, payment is expected within the first week of each month. Payments are considered overdue if they are made following the 5th of the month.
A 5% administrative surcharge will be applied for any outstanding fees. These fees will be reflected on the next invoice.
Payments may be made by e transfer to admin@kawarthafarmschool.com
Cash and cheque payments must be in an envelope labelled with the following: Child’s Name, Invoice #, Amount and Date.
Summer Camp payment will be invoiced after your child’s registration is accepted. Payment is due within 7 days of registration acceptance. If you are required to withdraw your child from Kawartha Farm School programming, for any reason, 30 days written notice is required.
Any fees due within this 30 day time frame are still required to be paid in full and are not refundable.
Please note that registration fee and program deposits for Kawartha Farm School programs are non-refundable nor are they transferable.
Kawartha Farm School does not offer refunds for illness or weather cancellations.